miércoles, abril 18, 2007

It's been a bloody stupid day
My baby called me up to say
Don't call me love, don't call me
It's not all she said.
I truly love her but I know
I'm bad for her, I'm bad and so
At least she may forgive me for my honesty
My friend came back from being abroad
He was rich and I was overawed
His ship came in
I'm standing on the harbour wall
Another friend, the one I love
Turns to me "Have you seen enough?"
"Let's hang about
There's nothing like a sunset"
It's been a bloody stupid day
Don't leave the light on baby
My baby called me up to say
Don't leave the light on baby
I'll see you sometime maybe
Don't leave the light on baby
It finally dawned on me tonight
Best to go down without a fight
I know you will forgive me for my honesty.


2 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

Ayer comencé a leer La caza del carnero salvaje. Encontré un párrafo que subrayé: "Hay cosas que mueren, hay cosas que desaparecen y cosas que se olvidan; y no por eso hay que hacer un drama". O algo parecido, porque lo transcribo de memoria.

No voy a apagar la luz, sé cómo te sientes...

Anónimo dijo...

bonito blog!
